About The December Room


“You’ll find out when you’re fifteen.” This is what thirteen-year-old Sandy Laws has heard his whole life. Whenever he asks about his family business, he’s told that there are some things that he just can’t know yet. This all changes for Sandy one Christmas season when his father’s business is threatened and his family is put in danger. From magic salve to giant reindeer, Sandy and his cousin Trudy must find out the secrets about his family before it’s too late.

This coming-of-age mystery is full of fun and adventure as Sandy uncovers both questions and some answers about his family’s, and his own, true identity. Internal struggles of right and wrong, reality and fantasy, truth, and destiny permeate this novel as Sandy grapples with issues beyond his years.

This is Book One in The December Room Chronicles, a series that will have readers wondering about the truth behind Santa Claus and the age-old Christmas mystery surrounding his power of bringing joy to the world in a single night.